Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My poor blog...

I have been absent, which unfortunately is so like me. I get so caught up in projects and work and things here and there that something always ends up neglected. I'd like to update more often though. It's on my "To Do" list!

One of the things which always keeps me busy is the Pin-up contest on my website. I just love sponsoring the contests because long ago when there were few pin-ups on the web, the contests were always SO exciting. I was in a fe but even those that I didn't participate in kept my interest because I was so anxious to see who won. It is just a fun thing that I enjoy doing and hope it entertains others, too.

I do take it very seriously though and keep votes tabulated throughout the month. It is set up to count each vote once, but I always go back and review the votes and make sure everything is fair and square.

So please head over and cast your's all in fun!

I have seriously neglected my website and have not listed anything new in forever. This was mostly because eBay was hot! The place to buy and sell. Not so much these days, at least for vintage clothing.

Most of my things I have listed on etsy and have done well so far. Plus, everyone on there has been very fair, polite, and easy to work with. eBay was notorious for some of the rude buyers...and I guess, sellers too. Please take a peek...

More updates to come!


Eva Demure

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